Saturday, September 19, 2009

Country Side Snaps

Wondering whose house this is?? well, it's my grandpa's home in the village. Went there for my uncle's marriage. That brown painted house is my grandpa's. The place from where I had clicked the picture is the house where we stayed. I was soooooooo bored.... My cousins didn't have vacations that time.... & I was roaming around, doing no good.... So thought of clicking a snap..... This shot is taken from the same place only.... Can you notice those mountain-like structures?? Guess what?!?! It's the Western Ghats....!!!! The mighty ghats towering the whole village. Cool, right?? Western Ghats follow you wherever you go in that village....

No, no, no! These are not post cards!! I took the them with the digicam!! These are the western ghats... We had been to our family temple located inside the forest...... It was the most pleasant trip, I can say.... Surrounded by the mystical ghats, wide spreading farms, banyan trees every where and... you name it..!! This place would have been a dream for any artist...!!! Peace mixed with Beauty and Majesty.... If you approach the forest more deeper you can even find wild animals like elephants, lions etc. (don't worry, the temple was located in a safe place only)....This is the temple which I had earlier mentioned. A small and cute temple!! Not even a temple, just looks like a sanctum, huh?? It was just renovated. You should have seen it a year back!! You would have had a great trouble to near the temple!! Your legs would have been prickled by that time! Now that they have cut the trees and levelled the ground, the process has become easy.
A pure village snap, huh?? cutting a coconut!! hahaha!! Actually, it was sooo yummy. The only reason why I didn't eat a lot was that there was no drinking water around..... how sad..... what a pity....:(
Evening in the village........ Cool, right?? I really mean it! It was cool..... Kind of becoming cold..... Just a few minutes before clicking this picture, the sky was blue in colour... Bright & lively.... All of a sudden dark clouds replaced the pleasant sky and the temperature was dropping down. The sky was looking beautiful though... With mysterious violet clouds.... Either side of the road was vast spreading farms.... then, the forest and beyond everything was the western ghats..... The evening panorama was highly enjoyable and I wished I had my friends around.... It would have been soooooooo fun if my friends were there....... The herders were on their way back home with their herds. Soooo many goats, buffaloes and many other animals too. On our way back we happened to enter the sugar factory. Strong odour of the sugar wafted in the air. O my goodness.... I couldn't stand that smell........ So I made my way out of the factory...... It was a nice walk. Wide spreading farms, animals, mountains, trees, lakes..... What else would a man need??


Viji said...

Hey,lovely pics:-).

Advey said...

Good explanation for each snaps.


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Twilight Fanatic
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