Monday, August 24, 2009

Diamond Studded Sky

Night sky according to me was dark with a moon and few stars here and there. I had always wondered why night sky is not like the one I saw in the planetarium, though I knew the reason. I had always longed to see a sky, full of stars. My wish was fulfilled. Let me tell you how it was.

It was an as usual night. May be a bit different..... My five-year-old sister and my four-year-old cousin brother screaming in my ears. I was in India for my vacations. With a grammar book clutched in my hands, I lied down on my bed. My sis and bro were busy with video game. We were on the 2nd floor.

Suddenly everything was pitch dark. A power-cut. My little siblings started screaming. I dropped my book, went to them and assured that I was there with them. My father came up running, hearing my brother's relentless cry. It was impossible to console him and I was fed up. I was feeling hot and thought of getting some fresh air out in the veranda. There were two verandas on that floor. One at the front and the other at the back. The one at the front faced the street, so I opened the door and there I was out. The air was fresh and the surrounding was pleasant. Most of the people in the street were out, probably for getting fresh air.

Eventually, I happened to look up. It was an amazing sight. Zillions of stars scattered all over the sky and it was totally different from the boring sky which I usually see. Like the planetarium it was, may be there were even more stars in the sky then, though I couldn't spot any constellation except for the Orion belt....... So bright it was, like the fireworks. For the first time, I saw the sky crowded with so many stars. I never thought that sky had these many stars, each having a silvery gleam like diamond. White, its colour was, not black. The stars were jam-packed that there was apparently no space in between them. I sat there, on the veranda, admiring the sparkling sky.

I had totally forgotten about my siblings. There they were with my father narrating some story to them. In a few minutes, the power was back and the sky was also back to normal. Dark with a moon and few prominent stars here and there. It was a magic, all the stars had disappeared. It came from nowhere and vanished within a second......



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