Thursday, September 30, 2010

On the roof and ticket misery

Wow exams are over! Freedom is restored!! I am in an exceptionally ecstatic mood.... Last week it was always 'I don't want to go to school.. :('. but now, I'm all 'I wanna go to school!!!!!'... no, I think it sounds more like 'I just wanna get out of house'. It's boring. Yes.

I just finished reading the rest of 'The short second life of Bree Tanner' and I am thinking of continuing with Gone With The Wind. Okay, right now I am gonna update you guys on the important things.

Last saturday (or friday...I don't remember) I witnessed murder. Okay, that was a hyperbole. This is the scene. Mum and dad gone for a walk. 11pm. Pretending that I might faint any moment because of the drowsiness, I made my way to the bed. Totally unsuspicious, they left me in charge of my sis and went out. Just to make sure that they were really out of the building and not spying on me from behind the door, I peeked outside the window. Yes. They were gone. I thought of making a run for the laptop and watch some videos, when I spotted a human-like silhouette on the roof of the opposite block.
 I tried to convince myself that it was just a dish but I couldn't. It was a human figure. A boy. May be a high-schooler? He looked like one. I seriously need some sleep.... The figure started moving. Taking a closer look, I noticed one more boy in school uniform,  awaiting the other's return. They spotted me. They gave me a why-are-you-seeing-out-of-the-window-now-of-all-time sort of a look. My eyes were as big as half my face and another shock would have surely made my eye-balls pop-out of my sockets. I opened the window and let myself freeze in the early winter breeze. Despite the cold, I was sweating and trembling furiously.

 I wanted to shout. 'What the hell are you guys doing up there at such a time?!' He certainly didn't look like he was looking for a ball that accidentally landed there when they were plaing baseball. I couldn't find my tongue. Feeling like being hit in the head by a speeding ball, I watched the crazy guys. They surely must have some nerves. Loitering on the roof of a 3-storey building at such a time of night. Finally, he climbed down the metallic ladder adjacent to the building, a hard high-five with the other boy and they bolted to the fence and jumped over it. My eyes couldn't follow them further as they were already in the parking lot. they climbed in a car and pulled out.

Transfixed by the window pane, I didn't know what happened for a while. After sometime, one more boy came running into the building and started frantically looking for something. Guessing that it should be those two weirdos, I called him.

I felt like this.
The following conversation persisted:

Me: Hey
Boy (puzzled by a foreigner caling him) : What?
Me: You are looking for those two boys, right? One was on the roof.
Boy: yeah..
Me: They ran away.
Boy: Ran away? Where?
Me: They jumped over the fence and ran away.
Boy: Thanks.
He too, bolted off.

I knew he meant the last word. I felt so happy that I have landed myself right in the middle of some whodunit. Then I felt stupid. Why didn't I just stay out of this like a good girl? May be I have earned myself a big fat trouble. May be I might be kidnapped tomorrow. I hushed myself and fell asleep.

Luckily, I am still alive and no terrorists have come to murder me.

Incident 2:

It was my Japanese exam. I fussed over the fact that I still haven't got a new pasmo after losing the old one and how inconvenient it was to adjust the fare in every other station. I inserted the ticket into the machine and walked past the gate. The ticket came out of the outlet and I, instead of pulling it, pushed the ticket inside. I was holding the line. I grimaced at the man behind me, who seemed to be in a great hurry. He had inserted his ticket into the inlet and both our tickets were stuck in the machine.

 There comes the Great Station Master to our rescue ;) He opened the machine and started fiddling with its metallic parts. I waited and so did the other passenger. I am 1000% sure that he was silently cursing me in his mind for me being such a hindrance.

When both our tickets were safely retrieved, he rushed to the opposite platform. I tried to tell him through my mind.. I hope you don't get fired....

These two are the major things that happened in the great life of the great me this week.

Thank you and have a nice day or night.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Horrors of Math

Hello my dear friends who hate math and anything related to complicated numbers. If you like math and anything related to complicated numbers, please do not feel offended :))

Today, I survived the penultimate math examination. Yes. That too pretty well. I never did bad in any subject but I hate almost everything. Only few subjects fancy me. English, biology and psychology... These have nothing to do with numbers.

Lemme now tell you what math exam can do to you.
No matter how much you have prepared, you never really gain even a bit of confidence. This in turn, causes your whole body to tremble. You are likely to develop a splitting head ache. & a stomach ache too. Your internal organs suffer. The agony is too much that you start sweating. And all the unnecessary thoughts pop up in you mind just as you enter the exam hall... Have I revised that trig chapter properly? What do I do if I forget the formula to find the mean by step-deviation method? What if I fail?

One more thing that irritates me. The kid who has confidence. He walks in the exam hall just 5 mins before the exam and laughs at the jittery math-is-the-worst-subject category people. He is intimidating. At this point, even the tiniest bit of hope you had vanishes. Your mind is blank.

You have to attend the morning assembly. This cuts off even that precious 10 mins of your life-saving last min prep. That's it. You are gonna cry out loud 'mummy.... I wanna go home'

Assembly is over. The math teacher walks in with a daunting smile on her face. 'Students, I hope you have prepared well. You will be able to attend all the sums. All the best'. You will be able to.... sounds more like dare you miss any sum...

You are asked to keep your books and bag away and get ready for your death... that is, the exam...

You pray... You pray.. and You pray.... The invigilator hands over the question paper to you..

Then 2 things can happen.

If you have done enough good deeds in your previous birth, you will be able to answer most of the questions and sometimes, all.


Exam = Funeral

Simple equation.

Dear math-haters, I know you all feel the same way. How you do the exam doesn't matter. The torture you go before that matters.

 And math-lovers please don't intimidate us :))

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wish Me Luck!!!!

hey guys, thought of sharing some random pics with you.. day after tomorrow is my social exam.. wish me luck! I need it badly!

woooo! that was fun! Luray Caverns! that place reminds me  of the book, 'the host'. Have you read it? Am telling you, it's awwwwwesome and a must-read! The caves were claustrophobic, but some spots were sooo beautiful... I am really not in a mood to write.. sorry guys and vampires... I know, it's a poor excuse... still.. I will post more pix to make it up...

Eerie, huh? It was. with that background music, it was just the place for shooting a horror movie.. that pic, yes the one above.. see that stalagmites? those are actually reflections. the water is sooo clear that it assimilates the stalactites hanging up and tricks your eyes. You really have to go close to make it out.. I had loads of fun there... + my patiala color blended perfectly with the cavern.. don't you agree?

Amazing drapes, huh? These are some god-knows-what-you-call-them. Okay, some oozing chemical that froze? with General warren hastings in my head, I can hardly recall what the tour guide said.. you can google it. It was cool inside.. a temporary haven from the broiling sun outside.

I love this picture.. How do I look? ;)
The guides told us not to touch the formations but hah!! how dare they tell me what to do and what not to?! I touched them to my heart's content and wasn't brutally killed in a stalactite avalanche!

wow.. wishing well!! It felt like I were in the middle of some fairy-tale... wait a sec.. something flashed through my mind.. do you remember Rhett Butler's description about Scarlett O'Hara's green eyes?? it was compared to the clean green water...

I made so many wishes... but I threw only 2 or 3 coins.. my sister got many from my dad... unfair... I hope God isn't nitpicky... I will get to know if he had listened to me after I get my exam results..

that's it for now... am terribly sleepy and I have to rest my brain so that it doesn't break down when I am in the middle of some complicated trig problem.... Wish me luck, guys!!! I promise I will write something that makes sense after my exams are over... Exams were invented to make the lives of poor little students miserable.... Good bye njdf jcjheicfmi (Gone mad)

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Robert Pattison - WOW

hey guys... how's life going? Okay ppl, my birthday was on September 6th and I expect you all to wish me :D September is going good.. I was just googling for Edward Cullen 's(Rob) pics as usual and came across this amazing picture! I don't know how you people feel about it but I LOVE it! Rob looks sooooooo .......... soo real...right??? He's a hunk!okay guys, I am losing it, I know.. but I just can't help admiring Rob!! I am sooooooooooooo crazy about him!!! I am a Rob-Edward fanatic!!


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