Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Emerald Castle

26th August 2010... Back from my long vacation in USA... School re-opens in another 3 days.... All the enthusiasm gone and suffering from a worst jetlag ever... Day and night reversed.. Oh my gosh!! My eye-lids feel soo heavy and I am keeping them open.. Listening to 'Love the way you lie' by Eminem... Love the rhythm..
Few assignments left and trigonometry to be completed.. That's a lot of things to do!! Becomes worse if numbers are involved :D

I am recalling my last day in America... My cousin took me to a beautiful green walking track... I loved it soo much and I also regret going there on the last day because it is still vivid on the insides of my eye-lids...
One more reason why I love it sooo much is that it was just like the forest from the twilight series.. soo green and lush and wet that a vampire might pop out from behind a big tree... On both the sides of the track were trees that stood tall, covering the azure and the sweet smell of the earth, wet from the previous day's rain filled my lungs... I usually prefer solitude and that was just the place for a person like me... The dense tree covers hid the houses and other man-made structures. It would have been like humans never existed on earth if the tar road beneath me was not there.I could feel the forest, hear the forest and smell the forest.. The crooked branches of trees from both the sides met above me like an archway.. This reminded me of this particular line from the book, 'Gone With The Wind'.... 'The dark cedars on either side of the graveled avenue met in an arch overhead, turning the long avenue into a dim tunnel'. Alongside the track ran a brown stream, following me as I walked further. It felt great! Some of the bent branches of trees, which looked like they were beseeching heaven resembled candle brackets.And there were great brown branch-chandeliers, with brown leaves instead of crystals clinging to it. They were all lying on the ground, differing from the man-made chandeliers.. It was an emerald castle built by the nature.. There were fallen trees and withered leaves as well as green leaves and healthy brown trunks.It was a perfect blend of life and death.. The dead get buried and are re-born.. The infallible rule on earth..The sun light entered from the holes in the roof of leaves and made different patterns on the ground.. It was a montage of sun light and shade.. A designer carpet, you can say :D
And finally, I reached the bridge, which went across the brown stream.. It was... (I ran out of words).... the best place on earth! Over the stream hung a broken brach, clinging to the tree by just a splinter. There, the tree-tops did not bridge the gap and the sky was visible..The sun shone brightly and the water shimmered as if diamonds were floating on it.. The stream flourished with brown ripples, which reflected the branches of the trees above.. The broken brach, shining strean, the small bridge and the sky...IT WAS AWESOME!! Such a wonderful place it was.. I was soo sad that I had to leave it.. I wish I am re-born as a tree in a forest so that I can listen to the chirping of the birds and voice of the forest forever...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Niagara Falls

On July 31st, we visited the Niagara Falls. It was awesome.. You should see for yourself the force with which it was hitting the huge rocks underneath.. The water splashed in all directions and the mist rose high. It was beautiful. The one to the left of the below picture is the American falls. The one at the center is the horse-shoe falls.

This is the Maid of the Mist ride!! We went so close to the falls.. If it was not for the rain coat they provided, I would have been soaking wet!! Anyway, I was ;) I removed my hood!! It was sort of cloudy and when we neared the falls, the sprinkling water felt like rain.. The water was green like soda.The boat created ripples in the soda-green water... which reminds me of my virtual pet, tamagotchi (it was soda-green in color)...I miss it :( Coming back to niagara, the air felt very heavy with the mist that breathing was very hard.. Every one was enjoying the 'rain'. So was I. The falling water was milk-white. So was the water which hit the rocks and the noise it created blocked out all the other noises. It was like heaven compared to the otherwise sweltering weather.

It was around 10 pm when we went to the Cave of Winds (it was not a cave, actually). I didn't take any picture as doing so would have destroyed the camera, which I didn't want ;) There were three falls. The lighting on them made the falls look heavenly! I still can't imagine how these people could build a deck soooo near the falls!! must have built it in winter when most of the water must have frozen.. My mum  was hesitant to let me go near the falls. My cousin managed to convince her and I got to stand at the corner of the deck. Though the water which fell on us was the water which splashed after hitting the rocks, the force was enormous!! It was like 1000 fire crackers bursting on our backs! I stood there for a long time! It was fun!! & I was freeeeeeeezing! And believe it or not, there were rainbows!! yeah... at 10 pm!! It was because of the splashing water and  the artificial lights passing through it. It looked great against the dark night sky. When the lighting changed to red, the falls looked deadly... oohhh... it was like a huge bloody water fall....

Once again, we got to view these falls from the top.. It was completely dark and the city (actually it is the country,Canada) enveloping it looked beautiful with the iridescent lighting... It was striking...A blend of nature and man-made concrete jungles (sorry if it sounds cliche). Imagine how it would be if the whole ocean was to fall from a great height... the force... you will be lost under it... Niagara matches this explanation..


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