Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Concrete Jungle

Hi, guys...!!! How are you?? I am super fine :D.... I was just pondering what would happen to our earth if we use the resources indiscriminately.... Our reckless acts have already caused a lot of problems..... I wrote a story from the view of a child in 2210..... Hope you like it..!! Please feel free to comment!! I want to improve! Critics are welcomed!!!

The Concrete Jungle

I woke up to another concrete morning. Through my bedroom window, I could see the sun saying good morning to the ruined city of ********, flooded with boring gray buildings. Not a single bird in the sky despite the fact that it is 8AM… Of course, every morning, I wake up to this bird less sky.
Time for school.. I still don’t understand the need of attending classes when the doomsday is so near. I brushed my teeth mechanically, had my breakfast and dressed up.

I entered my classroom, right next to my bedroom to find my teaching robot waiting for me. I sat in my seat and switched on the giant monitor in front of me. The screen flashed - “19.December.2210 – History of our Earth”. I squinted at the green pictures for a moment. My eyes were not accustomed to green things. There, shining like a precious stone was our earth…. The machine was explaining something… I did not bother to listen to it. I stared at the trees that punctuated every corner of the place, birds flying about in the blue sky and the sun that was shining gently … I envied the children who were happily playing in the park… How so nice…. In this world, you cannot even step out of the house without an oxygen mask and a full body suit. Or else you will die of some serious disease…. Suddenly, the picture changed to buildings, the world of buildings I will call. “Can you believe that this is how our earth was 200 years back?” I couldn’t. The screen then flashed the pictures of petroleum and started explaining all the crap, which I have heard a thousand times….

I closed my eyes and pondered the concrete jungle I am now living in. I thought of the beautiful birds and animals of history. All extinct… Humans’ reckless acts have ruined everything…. My dream is to become a famous writer. But I doubt whether there will be any world for me to survive in and write. The end is nearing. I have read many books. Most are very old books, which were written when the earth still had a lot of greens. I imagined the world described in each book. So selfish of the humans’ to have stolen my dreams like this… Not only mine but the dreams of all the children living in this concrete jungle. It is supposed to be snowing now. Christmas… Still, the sun is burning the whole city alive. I laughed at myself… The winter has also become extinct…

(******* is the name of that future city)


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